Sunday, May 18, 2014

Fresh Start Challenge Day 18: Time Has Come To Go On Your Own

My inspirations to blog are quite easy!


+Mary Ann 




And a few others ones on Blog Lovin'.

I never believed I would have my own blog but here it is and I love it!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Fresh Start Challenge Post Day 17: The Fairies Do It

Amy Brown

Spring - God I HATE Spring! (Can I please, do what I hate about spring!?! No? Okay.)

  • Tulips
  • Honeysuckles
  • Softball Season
  • Babies every where!


  • Surfing
  • Coconut and Pineapple Everything
  • Kabobs
  • Tiki torches


  • Holiday crafts
  • Boots/ Fur clothing
  • Decorating while singing
  • Leaving footprints in the snow


  • Sweaters
  • Leather leggings
  • The smells
  • The colors

Monday, May 12, 2014

Fresh Start Challenge Day 16: My 1st Mother's Day

It was an amazing day for me! One I wasn't prepare or expecting. I woke up to my phone going off around 6 AM with Wayne telling me he was coming upstairs (I live with my sister still) and that I had better be decent. I, of course, wasn't.

He brought McDonald's and Faith brought me presents, cards, flowers and a balloon. My present was a Pandora bracelet. This one is the one I have been wanting. This is the complete silver one. The one I had been wearing was leather. This is gorgeous! I love the mommy charm he bought and the Fairy and Faith one.

We had a special mother's tea after church and it was fantastic. I loved it more than I thought I would. I definitely believe that being a mom is well worth all the grime, gripe, and grinds on the nerves.

Fresh Start Challenge Day 15: Fünfzehn

  1. I have let go of the past. I haven't forgotten it but I have let it go.
  2. I have helped many people along the way in my healing journey.
  3. I have discovered my creative side.
  4. I am not afraid to show my scars inside and out.
  5. I am a mom to a wonderful little girl that runs away with my heart every day.
  6. I have stuck with running even when I was alone.
  7. I have learned to do the hobbies I love and wanted to learn.
  8. I love my hair! It usually does what I want it to do.
  9. My body is pretty flexible.
  10. I have the ability to say no.
  11. I only take so much then I call people out on their bullshit.
  12. My handwriting
  13. Seeing the world is being accomplished!
  14. I am learning that Christmas is wayyyyy better than Halloween.
  15. I am learning how to cook all kinds of yummy things.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Fresh Start Challenge Day 14: Bib Crazy

Faith is like her daddy in the fact that she is a messy eater so having a bib is a must. This idea above has saved me several headache ever since I came across one day on Pinterest. Just give a hook with the double sticky foam and wham where you need the bibs. I like having Faiths on the back of her high chair because we put her there a lot. It works out beautifully. This makes me a happy momma.

Fresh Start Challenge Day 13: Let's Go Fly A Kite

If you haven't figured it out, I'm a person that loves whimsical. Mary Poppins, Alice in Wonderland and the Tinkerbell Movies are my favorite Disney movies. Even if I don't like Tinkerbell the other fairies are amazing.

I desperately want a fairy garden. I am not one of these tree huggers that think carving a tree is mean. I would love to spend all day in the backyard building our fairy garden while drinking lemonade.

Also flying kites while on a picnic would be heaven.

Making our own water park in the backyard.

Anything as long as it isn't gaming or a movie or just simply going out to eat. That is so old and boring.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Fresh Start Challenge Day 12: Stronger

This song really shows what I was told and how I reacted. I was told by you that I was damaged goods that I was worthless. 

I might be damaged from your physically and I was mentally but I found people who have pulled me from your grasps and I am not looking back. Enjoy your time in prison. 

I can only hope that someday that karma visits you.