Thursday, April 3, 2014

Day 6: Random 30

  1. I have very unhealthy obsession with Tim Lincecum... Everyone else is drooling over Ian Somerhalder and I'm over here like "I could go extra innings with Tim Lincecum."
  2. I still listen to Jessica Simpson's music.
  3. Rubber Chickens fascinate me because they are. Who came up with this idea? What the hell inspired them? Seriously, rubber chickens?!!! They crack me up.
  4. I keep an organized shopping cart throughout my grocery shopping excursions. I detest a messy cart.
  5. I wanted to be a mom so bad when I was middle school I kept my egg safe for way longer than we were suppose to and my egg finally went bad. I think I cried like a real mom would cry if their child died.
  6. I have my nose pierced but I take it out for work.
  7. I have also had my tongue pieced.
  8. I've had a miscarriage.
  9. I sleep spread eagle a lot of the time. And quite honestly it's embarrassing.
  10. I love having purple hair. 
  11. I prefer cheese nips or Cheese its
  12. Up until last year I had never finished reading Harry Potter...
  13. My go to snack? Yeah Uncrustables....
  14. I'm addicted to make up just get over shadowed by Hunter and Mary Ann.
  15. I enjoy having owl things but I don't like colorful owls.
  16. I love making pottery.
  17. Running, jogging, and walking are my favorite things. I love my shoes for them as well.
  18. I literally lick the inside of dipping sauce containers from fast food places. I hate to waste it!
  19. I love using Mrs. Meyer's cleaning products.
  20. Rugs are another obsession with me. I love rugs.
  21. Paper sacks... How I love these! 
  22. I love making meals with spreads and dips.
  23. I LOVE to hoola hoop.
  24. I have lived in Hawaii and went to school there.
  25. Laying in  unusual places is what I do. I do not like to stand so I will lay down just about anywhere.
  26. Besides my sorority sisters and Odette I do not have friends outside my family.
  27. WiiFit is a life saver for my figure! 
  28. I have a framed picture of Count from Sesame Street on my dresser because when I was little he was my favorite.
  29. I have been to bartending school.
  30. I never knew my real parents. They died when I was two months old carrying me to the hospital because I was running such a high fever.

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