Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Fresh Start Challenge Day 25: Sincerely Lillian

Dear Charlene aka Mom,

Thank you for taking me in when you didn't have do so. I am grateful for you caring for me all my life and giving me everything I need and want in life. I was very privileged to live as your daughter. You gave me the most out of my life and really made me feel like your daughter and not an extra.

Dear Pappie,

Meeting you for the first time totally changed my life. That's when I started believing in God. You were the first one to really make me think about having faith and about the Bible. The journal you gave me is completely filled out but is still beside my bed because it helps me through so much in life now. Thank you for showing me how to walk in faith.

Dear Faith,

You changed my world the moment you were left with Wayne. You showed me how being a mom felt and I cannot get enough of that feeling; especially since I had lost my own. You make me feel like I can save the world because you come running to me with your small fixable problems and then you give me that carefree grin and I lose all bad and negative thoughts. I love you as if you are my true own and nothing will separate us as a family again.

Dear Mom & Dad,

I've been wanting to write you for a year now. I wonder if I am the person you want me to be. I know you looked down on me and see the bad choices I have made. I know I concern you all the time. I do feel like I am doing better in the since of making better decisions. I know when to tell people no now and my backbone is cement strong now. Thank you for giving me life and I cannot wait to meet you one day.

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